Saturday, June 09, 2007

Making Oil From Caoutchouc Trees...

What??? Another one... Yes Got this one a long time ago, sometime around 2004... Since Fossil Fuels are often found in areas where we have also found skeletons of Dinosaurs, my theory is that when the famous Meteorite that hit earth that supposedly was the cause of the extinguishing the Dinosaurs, as well as plunged the earth into darkness some kind of Long Winter, which in the end also killed most of (if not all) the plant life. I believe that the areas where the remains of Dinosaurs can be found used to be similar to the Amazonian Forests we (still) have today... Where Caoutchouc Trees are very common... I believe that after being buried for millions of years, the "corpses" of the Caoutchouc Trees turned into Crude Oil.

Anyways, the idea, is that we could harvest Caoutchouc from existing trees (it's crude form is basically a white sap that turns black when turned into Caoutchouc or Rubber that we use for tires... I think we also use Caoutchouc to create Latex... Anyways, I believe that there may be another way to process to Caoutchouc sap to make Fuel. I believe in certain form of slow distilation would be appropriate to harvest the fuel from the Caoutchouc... Anyway... Stuck here in my apartment I can't really do much more than tell you about my theories... When will I be given the means to grow to my full potential... Get me out of here...

As mentioned in my post about mining Oil in the Amazonian Forest, Even with my Magnetic Electricity Idea we do not only use oil as fuel, but also to make all sorts of plastics present in very numerous products... So If the current wells were to run dry, it would be an enormous inconvenience... So it is imperative to find a way to always have a way to obtain Oil/fuel... Even if the method would be costly, in some products the use of plastics (as mentioned inmy previous post) are indispensable!


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