Thursday, April 19, 2007

M like Masturbation

For women it is very hard to climax to orgasms, and I wonder if some of them ever do, so to compensate I think that for girls its important to masturbate... And masturbation is probably the best, if not the only way for women to get real strong orgasms... And using water is the best, cleanest and easiest way to climax and you can get about 4 different types of orgasms... Just unscrew your shower head and adjust the pressure level of the spray, point you know where, and wait... And FeeeeeeeeL the difference... Adding "Toys" can also be interesting (just make sure they're water proof)... I just think it's important that some girls know about this technique... And this way... Your guarantied a great big O every time, and you can have as many as you want... Seriously aren't you at least a little bit curious... Don't be prude... I strongly doubt you will regret trying...

I'm serious the orgasm you can get from water have nothing to compare with what you get from normal sex, even good oral sex, or dildo sex (well at least the ones on the market presently)... Anyway, just trying to help some pierce the mystery of the female Orgasm... And I want to help some girls get some REAL Orgasms and higher seratonin levels... I'm just scared some girls are a little confused about how they really feel... Did you know that women have 7 different G-Spots !!! I do anyways!

You see I fear that the reason girls tend to be more depressive/moody/bitchy than guys is that their not getting orgasms... You produce seratonin (the hormone that makes us feel happy, good about yourselves) when you climax to Orgasm... You can also produce it by eating food, or doing anything that gives you pleasure, basically being Hedonistic... The way I see it, Masturbation is much better than compulsive over eating... Or going on Prozac... Stay slim and happy: Masturbate!!!

PS: The water technique is also interesting if you like rim jobs, or "rectal rinsing" But the last one can be a little messy, so use a pair of under-ware as a filter... Also here's one just for males... You know that little hole you have in your phallus... Well try spraying water inside... I've heard it can be rather pleasant.. Oh yeah... And... Don't forget... Men also get seratonin from masturbation, so don't be too proud not to... Celibacy will be much easier lived if you do, or if your girlfriend's frigid... (see my post on my vision on relationships)

Otherwise, masturbating with water or in the shower is also the cleanest technique...


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