Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Eco-Hydroponic Crop Tower

The concept of the Eco-Hydroponic Crop Tower, is to superpose fields over several floors, each one being of at least a few acres. The fields are lit up 24/7 with Magnetic Electricity, which allows a more effective production rate. As you may know one of the problems with intensive agriculture is the pollution of the groundwater by pesticides and fertilizers. In the Eco-Hydroponic Crop Tower, the water just trickles down on to the next level, all the way to the ground level and then, is pumped back up to the top, if there is any extra water left by the time it gets to the ground floor, otherwise, additional water is added according top needs leaving the groundwater intact. The tower will also be able to collect rain water. Pesticides are no longer necessary as the tower is a controlled environment, with air filters on ventilation entrances and exits. Ultimately, the tower will be as fully automated as possible, in order to minimize costs of production and maximize efficiency. Eco-Hydroponic Crop Tower will be of particular interest for areas where cultivatable land is scarce...

Hopefully Eco-Hydroponic Crop Tower, will be one of the solutions for an environmentally friendly future...


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